Wow, a lot’s happened in the last month. Where to start, where to start?
- MovieSnobs is doing great. We set a new record for unique visitors per day last month (average), and are already on par this month to beat that record. Christine’s been kicking ass, spending a lot of time working on content.
- We started a few new websites, including a “corporate” site, for ourselves.
- I went to Canada for work. (PEI, and Nova Scotia)
- I went to Phoenix for work. (It’s hot there, don’t go. Trust me)
- I finally got the new computer up to 100% working. Even with all its quirks, I still like Vista. It’s aesthetically pleasing, and once you get used to it, it’s fine.
I’ll be spending the next few weeks/months working on the various TopFive related things that are on my plate, including a redesign for MovieSnobs, a design for TVSnobs (one of the new sites), a design for (another new site), helping our friend Trish learn how to use her new site, and writing articles and reviews for MovieSnobs.
I picked up a copy of The Prestige over the weekend, the book, not the movie. So far, the book’s more interesting and confusing than the movie. Of course, we all know how much I loved the movie, however, I’m starting to think I like the book more, and I’m only half way through. Will post again, once I’m done. Hopefully the end holds out, and isn’t a disappointment.