My Anniversary Gift
Though Christine was bummed it got here late, I didn’t care. Technically our anniversary doesn’t exist, because we got married on leapday, last year (February 29th). So, we just celebrated all weekend.
Christine’s anniversary gift to me showed up yesterday, and it’s a very sweet gift. She took one of our wedding photos of us, and had it printed on M&Ms. Knowing how enthralled I was with the M&Ms with the RockBand logos on them from the RB2 release party, she had ours made. Check ’em out:.
[singlepic id=906 w=320 h=240 float=center][singlepic id=905 w=320 h=240 float=center]
It’s nice that the M&M detail is so great you can tell I needed a shave by the time that picture was taken. Damn 5 o’clock shadows.